Sunday 19 February 2012

Note to self...

Wow! It has been so long since I last updated my blog. Apologies to those regular readers. Truth is real life has caught up with me. There is no more waking up after 8am, after staying up reading an engrossing novel or, getting through an entire day without doing a single productive thing, but instead watching Comedy Central until you fall asleep. So, in other words, it’s back to reality. Varsity has begun, and so has the work.

My first week wasn’t too bad. I think I only managed to get lost twice. Yay for me, since I made it out on my own. The first time was rather entertaining, if I do say so myself. I was on a mission to find my psychology notice board, and not realising that I had to actually walk down one of the passageways, I continued to climb flight after flight of stairs until I found myself on a landing with nowhere to go. I had got myself into a dead end. I couldn’t help but laugh at myself.

On the lecture front, I am finding some form of enjoyment in each of my classes, especially psychology (it’s so interesting). However, by the time I get home I am so exhausted that I have to keep reminding myself to do my work before bedtime. I suppose I’ll get used to it eventually. Although, I’m not too sure about these 5am-wake-ups. Trying to wake up is bad enough, but now that early in the morning... It’s crazy!  

As awesome as university is, a part of me still misses school. The small classes, having all my friends with me in each class, and all the little things that go along with being in that smaller community of St Ursula’s. On Friday, I was fortunate enough to bump into three of my school friends while making my way around campus. Having not seen them in a while, I realised how much I miss our school days together, whether it be having fun on the lawn, laughing at somebody’s corny joke, or complaining about how much science homework Mr. Basson  gave us for tomorrow. I think it may be time for a reunion.

So, in week one I have learned some valuable lessons, hence the title: “Note To Self...”. This is my list of things to remember:
·         Do not wear slops... They will hurt you and give you blisters. No matter how many lectures you have in a day, you’ll still be walking pretty far.
·         Don’t arrive 10 minutes before the end of the lecture. You won’t learn anything. Arrive early and get a good seat, or at least a seat.
·         Don’t sit in the back- You will not hear or see a thing. And avoid sitting next to talkative people, because sometimes their stories are more interesting than the lecturer. Again, you won’t learn anything.
·         Do sit next to your cousin in Media Studies lectures- especially on his funny days (cue: hysterical laughter).
·         It seems to be okay to swear at your lecturer when you’re using it as an example to explain your point... (yes, this did happen in my Linguistics class and I did laugh).
·         Most importantly: No matter what, make the most of every  moment because it won’t last forever.

Here’s to a new beginning, and a new journey. So, to all my fellow first-time, first year students: All the best and Good Luck. We can do this better than anyone else ever has before. (Cliché alert!) Keep your eye on the prize. It will always be within reach. You just need to stretch out and grab it. It’s yours for the taking. (Okay, I’m done.)

Much Love,

<3 Nicole_Kayley.