Monday 14 January 2013

The Big TWO-OH!

On Friday (11 January) I celebrated my 20th birthday. I had a very special day, spent with my family, some friends and my amazing boyfriend ;-). I must say the excitement of birthdays and turning one year older as slowly worn off for me. I still feel like I should be 17. But, nevertheless, life goes on. And now I can no longer act like a teenager (even though it’s still fun to get a sparkler in your dessert). It’s time to start a new chapter in my life.

Here are a few pictures from my celebrations. EnjoyJ

Here’s to the teenage years, and life after the big two-oh!

Much love,

<3 Nicole_Kayley

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Sucker for Social Networking... Closer Than Before

Firstly, (officially) Happy New Year all! I hope the festive season was kind to you. It certainly was to me, even after pigging out over Christmas and stuffing my face with way too much pudding. I weighed in yesterday for the first time since the December break, and I was less 1kg! (Cue the whoop whoop!!).

So, I’ve hit a little bit of a writer’s block this week (sad face). I have been desperate to blog about something, yet nothing came to mind. Trying to ask my Facebook friends for ideas turned out a fail. However, I shall mention that Mo did request I write a whole post about him, and my dad suggest I talk about the new addition to our family. (Her name is Clara Lynne, by the way, and she’s adorable). Chris asked if I would write a post about him too. His side of that conversation went as follows:
“Your amazing boyfriend”
“How much of a troll he is”
“How you sometimes want to strangle him”
“But you love him anyways”

It’s all true. He is amazing, and means the world to me. Even though he can be a troll (talk nonsense and cause trouble just for the sake of it- for those of you not in the lingo-loop), and make me want to strangle him sometimes, I still love him to bits!

All my difficulties aside, I found myself thinking about social networking- I hit the jackpot! Something to blog about! YAY!!

In all honesty, I hate the idea of social networking. Sometimes I wish I lived way back when before the invention of the internet and mobile phones. It seems so peaceful... and a hell of a lot cheaper! It is so addictive for me. A few years back I was probably signed up for almost ten different social networking platforms. I was on Facebook, Twitter, mySpace, YouTube, Email, mXit, BBM, WhatsApp, Google, Blogger... and the list goes on. At some point I realised it was a waste and I didn’t fully utilise each platform and gave up a few of them. I still make use of some of them for the pure fact that it aids my communication with people in my life.

The main complaint I always hear about social networking is that it destroys good old fashioned face-to-face communication. What is this “face-to-face” you speak of? If you’re seriously asking this question, I think you may have a real problem! I was always a shy child, and to some extent I am still rather shy in unfamiliar situations. I think that was the reason I got into social networking in the first place. It was an outlet for me and it was easy. I didn’t have to be shy anymore. However, as I’ve grown older and experienced both aspects of “normal” social behaviour (as in pre-social networking social behaviour) and social networking behaviour, I’ve come to develop an opinion around the social-sphere that is the internet. It is not the best way to communicate in terms of creating and developing friendships and relationships, however, it is one of the easiest. Although I love to leave my phone behind from time to time so I can do other things and just forget about my networks, I am constantly wondering if I’m missing a call or a BBM, or new updates.

 I think it is safe to say that social networking has completely transformed the way we live and has taken over our lives (even somehow managed 2 cHAngE h0w ppl sP3ll nd TyPe- DON’T do it, it’s terrible). Last week, my family and I were fortunate enough to go see the stage show of Dirty Dancing at Montecasino’s Teatro, and while sitting in the theatre waiting for the show to start I noticed how many people were on their mobile phones, either texting or taking pictures (to Tweet most probably). I don’t understand how you can be out with your family or friends to have a good time, but constantly feel compelled to let the rest of the world know who you’re with and what you’re doing. I came across this image on Facebook the other day (ironic, I know, but at least I wasn’t in the company of others). I think it is a brilliant idea, and I’ve even tried implementing it at the dinner table at home (first one to pick up their phone has to wash the dishes). We’ll see how that one works out.

With all that said, I do believe social networking has done wonders in making the world a smaller place. I can easily send messages to my friends in a different city, or my family overseas at the quick and easy push of a button (if Telkom is co-operating, that is).

*takes a break from writing this blog to check her BBM*
(Yes, Chris, it was you)

So, weighing up the pros and cons of social networking, I find myself in the middle. Its great and handy, but also a royal pain in the ***.

I’d love to know your thoughts on social networking. Post a comment below. And if you have any really interesting topics I could blog about in the next few weeks, please feel free to comment here, too! I love getting comments from readers (just be sure to include your name, I’m not telepathic, and I like to know who you are).

Yours in social networking,
 but also in the real world,

<3 Nicole_Kayley