Wednesday 5 June 2013

Be A Lamb...

Quick update on life: I wrote 3 exams last week (Stats, Psychology and Media), so it’s safe to say I came close to what I imagine hell would be like. But I made it through, and now to anxiously await the results! I write my final paper (Research Design) next Monday, then hello 5 week winter holiday! I cannot wait!

Secondly, even in between all the exam hype, I’ve been thinking up new ideas to add to my blog, and I’m super excited to see them come together. They may even include some reader participation... so find your Sheldon Cooper-style thinking caps!

And now to the real business of this post...
So the title was inspired by none other than one of my favourites Rajesh Koothrappali of The Big Bang Theory. (I may be somewhat of an addict of the sitcom.) In one episode, Sheldon decides in order to live longer, he must stay in his bedroom away from any life-threatening dangers, and so creates a robotic version of himself. A problem arises when he can’t open his office door. Leonard, finding it rather amusing, refuses to help him. Sheldon then turns to Raj and says:”Raj, be a lamb, and open my door” to which Raj responds in Sheldon’s favour, ands says: “I’m a lamb”.
For some reason, I found that moment hilarious!

But on a serious note, this post is actually about lamb, and not BBT.
A while ago my mom decided to buy a whole lamb from a colleague’s friend, who breeds organic lamb, and sells it in bulk at a lower price. So about a month ago we received our lamb that has taken up the majority of our already tiny freezer. In the past few weeks we have been having lamb chops, every second or third day and on the odd occasion a lamb-neck stew, or leg of lamb. I’m not complaining because I absolutely love lamb! Which is why I thought I’d share with you my secret for delicious lamb chops. Okay, not so much of a secret since I got it from a cooking show on TV. It’s a really simple marinade and works perfectly every time. Plus it’s really simple!

Firstly rub some chopped garlic over the chops. Place them in a sealable container and pour over some soy sauce and balsamic vinegar, not too much, just enough to coat the chops. Rub in the sauces until the chops are completely coated. Toss a few rosemary sprigs on top, seal the container and toss them around a little and set aside for about 15-30 minutes. Simply throw them on the braai or grill until cooked. And Voila!!

I know I’ll be enjoying my lamb tonight!\

Keep smiling!

Much love,

<3 Nicole_ Kayley