Thursday 26 July 2012

Be Like A Postage Stamp

The second semester has started and I can already smell the smoke of a fried brain... Eek! However, I seem to have a very positive feeling about the next half of the year. Having settled into varsity life and found my bearings and a routine (although I still haven’t adapted to waking up at 5:30am yet...), I think on one hand it will be easier than the first semester, yet still  throw out a few curve balls along the way.

I’ve already begun frantically organising my calendar with deadlines and so forth, and even begun my first project. For now I’m ahead with all my reading material, and hoping to keep it that way! It’s a whole lot easier when you know what your lecturers are talking about.
While everything sounds like a walk in the park, I realised its only still the beginning and things are about to start picking up in the next two to three weeks. Today I noticed the quote I stuck up under my mirror last year to motivate myself throughout Matric:

 “Be like a postage stamp. Stick to it until you get there.” – Harvey Mackay,

 and I remembered the powerful motivating source it was for my final school year. That is why I decided to share it with all of you. It may be just the words you need right now. I certainly did, as I realised that if I just keep sticking to my ways and stay motivated, I can make it through anything and accomplish any obstacle life drops in my path. No matter how long the essay, complex the assignment or difficult the test paper, I can do it (shouts from the audience: “yes we can!” *insert laughs here*).  

That being your motivational post for the month, I wish you all the best in all your endeavours for the remainder of 2012. Be that postage stamp and you will get there!

All the best,

Much love and motivation,

Nicole_Kayley <3

Monday 16 July 2012

Snap-Shot! (InVerse: Never Let Me Go!)

As promised, here are a few photos from our week at RMC's Holiday Club 2012!

Enjoy :-)
The Band Set-up

InVerse in our new T-shirts (Dave, Chris, Tiff, Nikki & Alex)

Team Ahoy!!

Team Argg!!

Help Team just, you know, helping out.

The Play Cast

The Help Team again...

Shaving Cream & Peanut Butter.... 'Nuff Said!

This Little Guy was just too precious... holds a special place in my heart.

Until next time,

Nicole_Kayley <3