Thursday 8 November 2012

Return of the Blogger

I am incredibly excited and happy to be back on my keyboard to bring you a new blog post! I was shocked when I logged into the blogger account and saw that my last post was the 26th of July!! *hides face in shame*. But to be brutally honest I just haven’t had the time to blog. As desperately as I’ve wanted to and all the ideas I’ve come up with, I just never found the time. However, I shall be making it up to you in the next few weeks. I have so much to share about the past three and a half months... It’s crazy!

Since I last blogged, some interesting things have happened around here that I would love to share in more detail. So, it snowed all over South Africa, I did a bunch of tests and assignments, I surprised my boyfriend with a troll cake for his birthday, we took a trip to Hazyview, more assignments, a long weekend in Clarens, more tests and assignments, some work here and there, some music along the way, an inspirational Jo’burg skyline, I lost 5kgs and started exercising, four exams later, and I finally finished my first year of varsity yesterday! That’s basically the past three months in a whirlwind, but I will be sharing more in the next few days... so stick around! And I might throw in a Snapshot post or two as well... Don’t miss out!

I went back and read the last post I wrote and I was actually surprised with myself. Embarrassingly, I had forgotten what I had even written about, but upon reading it I felt a sense of pride and satisfaction. While writing a motivational post such as that one, I didn’t think of how I would stay true to my word. Everything I mentioned about being a postage stamp and getting there rings true to my final months of the varsity year. I am quite proud to say that I did just that! I put my mind to it, I worked hard and I came out stronger on the other side. I’m hoping you can say the same for yourselves. Let me know of your motivational success stories and post a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!

Until next time,

Keep your head up, and smile!

<3 Nicole_Kayley

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