Monday 6 May 2013

"Fatal Change"

I understand that I have sort of fallen off the face of the earth since February, and as much as I have been desperate to blog about something... anything...  it has just not been possible. 

Despite that, I have had the idea of change on my mind since February, and I even started to write this post on 4 March (you gotta give me credit for that, even though this post has had 3 different dates on it).  I don't know if it may be because so many things have been changing around me lately, or what, but it has seemed to take over my thoughts. I started thinking about the idea of "fatal change" (I shall claim rights on the coinage of the term, thank you). The idea that any kind of change is fatal in anyone's life. There's a saying that says "the only constant is change". Therefore, in my eyes, change is fatal. 

Fatal can be defined as controlled or decreed by fate; predetermined. 
Change is defined as to make different; to cause change. (Definitions from Word Web).
Therefore, "fatal change" is a predetermined change, where factors have been influenced by fate. 

I feel like my whole life at the moment has been one "fatal change" after the next. Some have taught me a great deal and some have made clear some of my past mistakes. It's shown me some of the things I've taken for granted or not completely acknowledged. It's made me cry, it's made me smile, made me contemplate, consider, reflect, analyse. I won't lie; it has been tough to rethink things. I never really considered the idea of change, even though during my childhood I put myself through a few major (and possibly unnecessary) changes, moving around schools, and giving up things I enjoyed for a season. 

This is probably starting to sound a bit depressive, but I'm not one who actually enjoys change. I like things to stay the way they are, comfortable, the same, unchanged. And with all the change happening around me, I guess it just makes me a little bit uncomfortable, uneasy even. 

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that change is inevitable, no ,after how much we try to resist it. It will happen whether we like it or not. 

As I sit and type this up in a lecture theatre waiting for my psychology class, I can overhear Avril Lavigne's "Keep Holding On" playing through someone's earphones. Maybe it's a reassuring message from the fatal forces that be. 

"Keep holding on, cause you know we'll make it through."

All that is left to say is if change is getting you down the way it's getting me down, stay strong! It may only last a season, but in the end it may be for the best, even if you can't see that now. So embrace it!

Stay strong, and keep believing!

Much love,

<3 Nicole_ Kayley