Thursday 14 November 2013


It has been rather a long time since I last blogged, and I can honestly say I have missed it so much! I‘ve had so many ideas I've wanted to write about, but the universe simply did not agree with that. Over the past six months I've endured heartache like no other, gone through a massive break-up, lost my most amazing Grandfather, battled through the second semester of 2nd year, and began the process of rediscovering myself.

I finished exams a week ago and already have a mile-long list of things to do, however my mind is so all-over-the-place that I don’t know where to even begin. One thing I have managed to do without a problem is watch the first season of Revenge. And OH MY GOODNESS!! What a show! I guess you could say I’m hooked, and yes, I have started to watch season 2 already. I have also started to watch How I Met Your Mother, although halfway through season 1, I’m not entirely sure if I’m enjoying it.

I have various other projects planned for the next 3 months, and I have the intention to complete all of them. My blog is one of those projects and I’m planning on documenting all the others on here. I can’t explain how excited I am for things to come.

I think for the first time this year, I am truly happy and content with where I am and more importantly with who and what I’ve become. I’ve reached a turning point in my life where I’ve come to realise what is and what isn't important. I’ve come to realise the real importance of family and through the tough times of the past year who the true friends are in my life. I could not be more grateful. Things are looking up. On the positive side, I reached my goal weight this year (cue: cheers). Now it is just a matter of staying there over the festive season (cringe!).

I’m looking forward to the next chapter in my life, with the most positive attitude I can have.

Here’s to new beginnings!

Until next time, (sooner rather than later)

<3 Nicole_Kayley