Tuesday 31 December 2013

So Long 2013...

This time last year everyone was talking about 2013 being a lucky year, trying to counteract the superstition surrounding the number “13”. I wish I could say 2013 was a lucky year for me. Rather it was one challenge after the next. Tackling 2nd year, the end of a relationship, losing my grandfather and both my puppies, and learning some important things about myself the difficult way are but a few of these challenges I faced.

I’m not really one to make New Year’s Resolutions, as I can never stick to them for very long. However, this year I have decided on just one thing, and that is to make the year 2014 my own, make it amazing, and make up for the terrible 2013. I don’t regret or wish this year didn’t happen because, I feel, it was necessary for me to grow and discover who I am and where I’m headed in life. This year has shown me the importance of the people who want to be in my life, and those who just aren’t worth all my efforts.

I am incredibly keen to welcome in the New Year tonight, and all that it brings with it. A few things I have to look forward to this year include my 21st Birthday, completing my undergraduate degree, bettering my music skills, and surrounding myself with incredible people.

My prayer for you this New Year’s Eve is that 2014 be all you could wish for and bless you abundantly.

Party hard and be safe!

<3 Nicole_Kayley

Busy, busy, busy!

(This post should actually be dated 15 December 2013. As the title suggests, I was clearly too busy to post it. But here it is now)
I promised to keep you updated on all the projects I had going on since I finished exams in November. I have been just so busy that I haven't even had the chance to write about it.

Firstly, on the 22nd of November the band that I am a part of at church led a family worship evening. It was absolutely incredible if I do say so myself. It consisted of a dinner followed by about an hour and a half of musical worship. I can explain the feeling I had inside of me. It was like Jesus just took over and I felt the Holy Spirit moving me and leading me to lead the congregation in worship. I was given a verse to sing solo and I was so nervous about it, but when the time came for me to sing, this voice just came out of nowhere. A voice I didn't even know that I had inside of me. The only explanation I can give- the Holy Spirit.

I have also been working on a photo book of tributes to my grandfather. I gathered together photos from throughout his life and complied then with various tributes from the family. I am so impressed with the way it has turned out. However, best of all the smile on my Granny's face when she looked through the pages was absolutely priceless. A smile I will remember forever.

Every year before Christmas I would make a calendar for my Grampa with photos of the family on their birthdays and wedding anniversaries. Although my Gramps is not here this year, I have decided to continue the tradition for my Granny. I've been hard at work trying to get it finished for Christmas in between all sorts of other things.

As I do every year I have been baking. Cookies, fruit cakes, cupcakes, my late Granny Dorr's shortbread, chocolate cake.... I'll stop making you drool. I was asked to bake 40 cupcakes for a corporate year-end function. I had a blast designing and making them, and I was incredibly impressed with the outcome. I have also been baking cookies for order. Although it may seem like a job, I have had an absolute jol baking and spending time in the kitchen (despite my sore feet after 2 straight days of baking).

I am in such a great place and frame of mind at the moment, I couldn't ask for anything more. I am beyond blessed and this Christmas I feel the need to give. After having an awful year, I want to make someone else's day, even if it is in the smallest way.

Hope you are all having the best December season yet, and what lies ahead may be worth remembering for years to come.

All the best,

<3 Nicole_Kayley

P.S. I’ll post photos soon