Thursday 26 January 2012

Let’s Do This!!

A week ago I was going completely crazy with thoughts of the coming year. It finally hit me, watching all the kids go back to school, and realising how late in January it is already, that it’s getting real now. University is right around the corner and I’m not going back to school. Comfortable school. Where teachers care too much, where there is no freedom and you have to wear uncomfortable uniforms all day. How I wish I was going back to school. I know what you’re thinking: I’m crazy. But think about it: in school, life is easy. You’re teachers are always willing to help, the rules and strict nature are there for your benefit (I know we've all cursed them at some point- but it’s true).

In all honesty, I loved the structure we had in school. The rules, uniforms, teachers, and lack of freedom all played a part in teaching me something. The restricted freedom taught me how to appreciate my free time, respect for my peers and most importantly how to work hard, from which I adapted a ‘need-to-achieve’ attitude. However, even after learning all of this in school, I still feel like I’m not completely equipped to tackle the big world out there. Nonetheless, I think that life will always find a way to throw me in the deep end without warning or arm-bands and I will simply find a way to cope and swim to the shore.

Okay. So, I can check “ways of coping” of my list. Next to worry about is: “ what on earth am I going to do!!” In the last year, the description of my studies has changed about a hundred times- literally! I thought about nearly everything from Speech and Hearing Therapy to a Bachelor of Music. In the end I’ve chosen to do a Bachelor of Arts.  As basic and flexible as you can get. Then comes the part where I have to choose subjects and I go: “HUH?!?!” Since deciding on the BA course, the subject combinations I’ve had have also changed a few too many times. But hey, this part of my life is trying to find my feet, right? trying to discover myself, who I want to be and what I want to do for the rest of my life. At 19 years old, I doubt that anyone is absolutely confident about how they want to spend the rest of their lives. Unless, they were born with the deepest passion for their desired career path. Then you have people all around you, telling you that they see you going in a certain direction that makes absolutely no sense to you at all. Which is exactly why I have finally decided on how to choose my first year subjects. Firstly, psychology- it’s something I feel I would be good at. Secondly, Music- something I have an undying passion for and love with my whole heart. Third, Media studies- voted for by the people (it does spark an interest in me tough) and lastly, Linguistics- also voted for by the people, who think I would make a good journalist (Thank-you’s all round). And... Check!

Lastly on my list: “how am I not going to get my tiny self lost on the gigantic campus?” I know that in about three years time I would look back, laugh at myself and say: “I can’t believe I got myself lost there. It was so simple”. However, I was smart about this one. Yesterday, my friend Candice and I took a trip to the university for the day to explore. We walked around the entire campus, finding our way with this huge map and by the end of the day we knew pretty much where most things were (including every food place). So: Check! (Although, I see myself getting lost inside one of the buildings at some point).

Despite the nerves and all the excitement, I can honestly say that I think I’m ready for this new journey in my life. So, bring it on! I can do this.

Much Love,

<3 Nicole_Kayley

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