Thursday 19 January 2012

Summer Sunshine and Building Nerves

The greatest thing, in my opinion, about finishing school is the extra long holiday before varsity starts. Although it is a time to put my feet up, chill out and soak up Summer, the nerves are starting to take up residence in my core. As exciting as it is to be starting this new chapter in life, I am also scared to death. What if this is not for me? What if I don’t fit in or fail at what I set out to do? What’s plan B? If you know me, you know I don’t handle failure well, which is why I have a plan! (something else I’m always ready with). I’m going to stay true to myself, believe in myself and work my little behind off! (I’m hoping it will be little by the end of the year- a girl can dream, can't she?).

I read a quote that gave me all the inspiration I need this year: “The cave you most fear to enter contains the greatest treasure” ~ Joseph Campbell. So, this year I’m going to dive head first into all those tasks I feared before. You only live once, right? So why not jump in head first?

This is the part of that motivational talk where the speaker raises his/her hands in the air and shouts: “Who’s with me?” and that is your cue to join me. Stand up and take the lead role in your life. It is your life, after all. And you have every right to change the script as you go along. Follow your heart and give your best performance possible.

Keep your head up and smile,

Much Love,

<3 Nicole_Kayley

P.S. I’m thinking, after this post, I should change my career option to: Motivational Speaker. It may work for me. What do you think?

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