Sunday 4 March 2012

Dear Readers...

Is it just me, or does life seem to be over-taking me in the fast lane? I cannot believe it’s March already! It feels as if yesterday was Christmas.

Anyway, let’s get right to the point. I have decided that once a month I’m going to have a blog post dedicated to you, my readers. Why? Because you’re special! (I mean it!). So, here’s how it’s going to work: I want to write about topics that you are interested in and want to read about. Whatever it is, I want to know. How do you do this? Leave a comment at the bottom of this post, Facebook me, Tweet me, or email me with your topic. You are welcome to keep it anonymous if you wish.  I think it could be rather interesting to see just how much I really know, and a cool way to voice my opinion on different topics. So, readers, are you game?

I had another idea, a way to make my blog more interesting. If any of you are interested in submitting posts to me, I am willing to feature your writing on my blog as a guest writer once a month. You are welcome to write about absolutely anything!! (Within moral context, of course). Simply email your writing to me at and I will take a look at it and consider it for posting.

All the crazy ideas have got me super excited. And talking about excitement: it’s exactly 4 weeks until the end of my first university block. Which also means 4 weeks until I’m road-tripping to the South Coast? I simply cannot wait to put my feet in the Indian Ocean. It is literally all I can think about at the moment. On the other hand, however, the workload is picking up. Even as I type this post, I should be working on an assignment. But, I thought a blog post would be a whole lot more interesting to you than one of my assignments would.

Here’s to you, my readers

Until next time,

<3 Nicole_Kayley


Feel free to comment. I'd love to know what you think:)