Monday 31 December 2012

The Year That Was... A Time For Reflection

2012... What a year it has been! I feel like I was sitting at my PC just yesterday typing up a post about “New Years Revolutions”.

 I Wrote:
“Well, I’m starting my own revolution. It won’t matter to me if it catches on or not, but it’s something I want to do for myself.”

I also went on to say how 2012 will be the year I get fit. I can happily say that I have made progress along that line! I have been cycling on my stationary bike often, taking occasional walks with my Mom, and doing some serious fat-burning cardio as well as a few strength exercises. However, my greatest achievement this year would have to be taking control of my health and changing my eating habits. From the beginning of the year I wanted to lose weight so that I would no longer be classified as ‘overweight’ and enter the ‘healthy’ classification. I got off to a shaky start at the beginning of the year and with all the stress of 1st year, I managed to pick up quite a bit of weight. With a lot of motivation, commitment and help from my mom, I managed to do a total 360 with my habits and achieved success!! At the end of September my mom and I decided to join Weigh-Less again. It was easy at first while I was determined to make the change, but got more challenging along the way. Nonetheless, as of Christmas day I have lost about 9kgs and my Mom about 7kgs. However, I think the festive season may have set me back a bit, but I’m determined to reach my goal of 12kgs early in the new year.

Sitting here and looking back on the past year, I can say with a smile on my face that it was a good one. Despite a few setbacks and upsetting circumstances that interrupted the good times, on a whole it was a successful year. I passed all my varsity courses (with good results that I wasn’t expecting). I feel like I have gained a whole new perspective on life and grown greatly as a person, discovering part of who I am this year and possibly where my life is headed. Although, I know change is inevitable. I’m not one who enjoys major change, yet in the past fear of minor changes has led me to take on even greater changes(who knows why? I’m different like that). But in this time of reflection I have decided to accept and treasure the change. Life can’t stay the same forever, which is why I’m making a deal with myself to treasure the moments I find myself in, and make my past worth remembering in 50 years time, when I sit in an armchair and tell stories of my past (kind of the way my grandparents do with me). I want to be able to say it was all worth it and that I enjoyed it. I want it to be worth sharing with future generations (if I’m so lucky to have that opportunity). I will be ever grateful.

And so, as we leave 2012 behind and venture on into a new year, let us go in with open hearts and open minds. Love more, laugh louder, and live with no regrets.

Happy New Year Readers!
May 2013 be Your year and bring all the love and success you deserve and may your dreams come true!

Before: September 2012
Now: December 2012

Cheers to 2013!!
Until next year,
Much Love,

<3 Nicole_Kayley

Wednesday 19 December 2012

‘Tis The Season... To Be Busy!

So, it’s Christmas time again, yet it doesn't feel like it should be. Maybe I’m getting too old for the childish excitement of the season. And possibly because I bought all my own presents with my mom, the surprise is sort of no longer existent. Yet, I’m probably busier getting ready for Christmas than I am during a week of varsity deadlines.

With one week to go, I have managed to bake about 6 batches of cookies, a bunch of mini fruit cakes that I covered in fondant and decorated, and yesterday I covered and decorated my Granny’s Christmas cakes (not exactly the way Granny would have done it, but certainly Cake Boss quality- I can dream, can’t I?).

Mini Fruitcakes

The Main Attraction

So, now while I frantically try to learn how to play them traditional Christmas carols on the bass by Christmas Eve, I’m listening to Jeremy Camp’s Christmas album (‘Christmas-God With Us’) in search of that Christmas spirit. I’m sure it’s hanging around somewhere.

This may also be the last opportunity I get to blog before Christmas itself, so I want to wish all my readers an amazing festive season, a special Christmas and an incredible new year!! Remember, it’s not about the presents, but the meaning behind the holiday. This year I’m concentrating more on giving. Whether it is in giving my time to someone close to me or donating food and clothes to those strangers who face a very dark holiday season. I urge you to do the same. Take the time to think of others this festive season and do something kind. As big as a car load of old clothes and such, or as small as a simple compliment. We can all do it!

Rejoice! For God is with us!
Hallelujah, the King has come!

Here’s to 2013!

Until next time,
Keep Smiling!

<3 Nicole_Kayley

Monday 3 December 2012

Clarens... My Future Home

For the long weekend in September, the six of us (Mom, Dad, Tiff, Daisy, Chris and Myself) packed up the car and made our way down to Clarens in the Free State. The whole purpose of our trip was for the MGB 50th Anniversary. I don’t think I've ever seen my Dad so excited and in his element as he was walking around the town square in amongst all the MGBs that had driven down for the weekend.

I have decided that one day I want to live in Clarens. It is so beautiful and peaceful. We were there for a holiday last April for Easter when I fell in love with the small town and the house in which we stayed- Apricot Lane. In the town there are a number of quait art galleries, craft shops and eateries. One could spend hours just ambling around the town square. If the opportunity presents itself visiting Clarens is a must!!

It was a great and relaxing weekend, despite the hike we did up to the top of the mountain (as per Chris’s persistent request). It was all incredibly worth it as the view from the top was breath-taking! I decided to keep this post short and add a few pictures from the weekend. Enjoy!!

Apricot Lane <3

Chris and I at the top of the mountain

Apricot Lane is the Green roof to the left of red roofs in the middle of the picture

The four of us having a break on the mountain

The view from the top

We found this on the mountain

Having a blast on the trampoline

Jam-packed in the car

My Dad as happy as can be

Only a few of the cars on show in the square

Until next time,

<3  Nicole_Kayley