Monday 3 December 2012

Clarens... My Future Home

For the long weekend in September, the six of us (Mom, Dad, Tiff, Daisy, Chris and Myself) packed up the car and made our way down to Clarens in the Free State. The whole purpose of our trip was for the MGB 50th Anniversary. I don’t think I've ever seen my Dad so excited and in his element as he was walking around the town square in amongst all the MGBs that had driven down for the weekend.

I have decided that one day I want to live in Clarens. It is so beautiful and peaceful. We were there for a holiday last April for Easter when I fell in love with the small town and the house in which we stayed- Apricot Lane. In the town there are a number of quait art galleries, craft shops and eateries. One could spend hours just ambling around the town square. If the opportunity presents itself visiting Clarens is a must!!

It was a great and relaxing weekend, despite the hike we did up to the top of the mountain (as per Chris’s persistent request). It was all incredibly worth it as the view from the top was breath-taking! I decided to keep this post short and add a few pictures from the weekend. Enjoy!!

Apricot Lane <3

Chris and I at the top of the mountain

Apricot Lane is the Green roof to the left of red roofs in the middle of the picture

The four of us having a break on the mountain

The view from the top

We found this on the mountain

Having a blast on the trampoline

Jam-packed in the car

My Dad as happy as can be

Only a few of the cars on show in the square

Until next time,

<3  Nicole_Kayley

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