Wednesday 19 December 2012

‘Tis The Season... To Be Busy!

So, it’s Christmas time again, yet it doesn't feel like it should be. Maybe I’m getting too old for the childish excitement of the season. And possibly because I bought all my own presents with my mom, the surprise is sort of no longer existent. Yet, I’m probably busier getting ready for Christmas than I am during a week of varsity deadlines.

With one week to go, I have managed to bake about 6 batches of cookies, a bunch of mini fruit cakes that I covered in fondant and decorated, and yesterday I covered and decorated my Granny’s Christmas cakes (not exactly the way Granny would have done it, but certainly Cake Boss quality- I can dream, can’t I?).

Mini Fruitcakes

The Main Attraction

So, now while I frantically try to learn how to play them traditional Christmas carols on the bass by Christmas Eve, I’m listening to Jeremy Camp’s Christmas album (‘Christmas-God With Us’) in search of that Christmas spirit. I’m sure it’s hanging around somewhere.

This may also be the last opportunity I get to blog before Christmas itself, so I want to wish all my readers an amazing festive season, a special Christmas and an incredible new year!! Remember, it’s not about the presents, but the meaning behind the holiday. This year I’m concentrating more on giving. Whether it is in giving my time to someone close to me or donating food and clothes to those strangers who face a very dark holiday season. I urge you to do the same. Take the time to think of others this festive season and do something kind. As big as a car load of old clothes and such, or as small as a simple compliment. We can all do it!

Rejoice! For God is with us!
Hallelujah, the King has come!

Here’s to 2013!

Until next time,
Keep Smiling!

<3 Nicole_Kayley

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