Thursday 29 December 2011

New Years Revolution

I cannot believe that we are in the final days of the year 2011! This year has just flown past. I can so clearly remember the beginning of the year and thinking that it would be a long and tough one. Yet here I am, all in one piece and alive to tell the tale of what 2011 has been.

2011 was a year of lessons, new experiences, celebration and second chances for me. I turned 18 and am now legally classified as a major, I passed my drivers’ licence, bought a bass guitar and finished my last year of school (and now eagerly await my results). But as I look back now and remember all that happened this year, the memories that I will treasure most are not those of achievement and triumph, but rather those simple moments. Specifically, days when my school friends and I would sit on the little wall by the field (our spot) and joke and just laugh uncontrollably at the most simple and ‘nerdy’ things that only we could find funny. Those moments will forever be engraved on my heart.

This time of year usually has people thinking about new resolutions. Things that they look forward to achieving in the new year. More often than not the list goes something like this: lose weight, quit smoking, stop drinking, go to the gym regularly, get fit, stick to that diet, take up a new hobby or better an existing one. After much thought, I have decided not to make any resolutions this year. “Why?” you ask. Well, I’m starting my own revolution. It won’t matter to me if it catches on or not, but it’s something I want to do for myself.

I remember a listening to a sermon in church one Sunday before the new year where our minister, Helen, told us how she wasn’t going to wait up until midnight to welcome in the new year, or make any resolutions, but rather carry on with life as normal. I remember clearly  how she said if you want to do something different in your life, like quit smoking or starting a new hobby, why wait for midnight? Just start now. Which is exactly what I am doing this new year. Or rather, right now. I’ve decided not to wait for the new year to start getting fit, I started at the end of November when I realised it was something I need to do for myself.

So this year when I decide it is time for something new, I’m going to start now! I’m not going to wait for Monday, next week, or next month like I normally would. It’s going to happen as soon as the thought has been thought... or maybe in the morning. However, it will happen regardless.

My wish for you this new year, is that you find what your mind seeks, feel what heart desires and put your mind to doing whatever your soul wishes to explore. Start your own revolution!

Here’s to an amazing and fabulous 2012!

Cheers! (clink)

<3 Nicole_Kayley

Monday 26 December 2011

Celebration and Too Much Pudding!

Christmas seemed to come and go in the blink of an eye. Feels like yesterday that I was sharing my feelings on what Christmas means. Nevertheless, my festive season was simply amazing.

It all started on Friday, December 23rd. My dad, brother and I got in the car with the boot filled with food parcels and a few items we were throwing out after a huge kitchen clean-out the week before. We drove down to Dora’s Ark, a children’s home in Roodepoort, with the intention of dropping off the boot-load for the children and ‘parents’ of the home. Only when we arrived the doors were all locked and it looked as if nobody was home. After knocking on the doors and there was no answer, we started to drive away. Just then my brother saw the door open and one of the ‘mothers’ checking to see who was there. We made a quick u-turn, and pulled up in front of the home. The ‘mother’ was so pleased to see us (my dad is a regular visitor to the home), and welcomed us and our parcels with open arms. It turns out all the children were still sleeping, so unfortunately we didn’t get to see them. Although, just talking to one of the mothers who cares for these children, it opened my eyes to just how blessed I am  to have all that I do. These kids basically have nothing but the home and donations. At the moment they are in desperate need of a bigger house and more beds as they continue to take in more and more children with nowhere else to go. The adults looking after the children do it out of the goodness of their own hearts and receive nothing in return. I have huge respect for them. Sometimes we can all get caught up in our own lives, money and petty problems without thinking about those who don’t even have a mattress on which to sleep. It was truly a humbling experience and the perfect way to experience the miracle of Christmas.

The Christmas celebrations began on Saturday 24th with a family Braai at my Aunt and Uncle’s house. There was plenty of food, fun and laughter. Presents were handed out to those who weren’t joining us on Christmas day and the kids just loved ripping up the paper wrappings. Even though I didn’t do any unwrapping, simply watching the joy of my family receiving gifts was a blessing to me.
After the fun of our Christmas eve celebrations, we headed off to church for a dress rehearsal before our annual Christingle service for the kids. I really had great fun playing Mary in this year’s play. Although, I don’t think I’m ever going to stop hearing the jokes or being teased about it. Father Errol sure thought it was fantastic though. It gave me a feeling of satisfaction to do something so special for the kids of our church. I went home with a happy heart to eat, clean myself up, and have a quick nap before heading back to the church for Midnight Mass. The church was packed as we all shared in the miracle of Christ’s birth and wished one another a Merry Christmas. We arrived back home just before 1:30am and only just awake as we made our way to bed.

Little Michael and the girls: Me, Izabella, Daisy and Julianne.

The cast of the 2011 Christingle + Clergy & Church staff

While deep in sleep, with strange dreams going on in my head, I hear the sound of music travel down the passage. I glance at the clock: 6:45... “REALLY??” Next thing I know, my mom is trying to wake me up, and I’m thinking: “Are they seriously trying to wake me up before 7am?” Anyway, I got up and made my way to the lounge to find a camera pointing in my face and coffee on the table. The lack of sleep was all worth it in the end. Again, I ended up watching everyone else open their presents, and enjoyed it more seeing their reactions, than I enjoyed opening my own presents. My mom says it’s what happens when you get older. But like I said before in my “It’s Christmas Time” post, the holiday is all about sharing Christ’s love. The love represented by a gift, rather than the gift itself. I wish I could have frozen that moment because it was the perfect example Christ’s love being shared.

The rest of the day was shared with the big family all seated around the big lunch table, jokes, laughter and way too much food than my stomach could handle. And MORE presents! The weather was glorious and I ended up lying down on a chair cushion outside on the stoop. I felt like I had a food baby (more pregnant Mary jokes) after a huge bowl of puddings (there were 6 different kinds). While I was on the ground, my cousin, David decided he wanted the cushion under my head and while messing around I managed to smack my head pretty hard on the tiles. I’m pretty sure I can still feel the pain in the back of my head today. It all made for a good laugh in the end. All in all, the day was fabulous and I ended up in bed at 9:30pm completely worn out.

I finally woke up at 8am, with not a care about the time. I picked up my book and enjoyed lying in for the first time in a really long time. I was surprised to discover that my mom had done the same and we eventually crawled out of bed in time to have Christmas cake for breakfast at tea-time. We had Christmas lunch again (and we STILL have leftovers), and the parents have now passed out on their bed for a lazy afternoon. Meanwhile, I’m enjoying the new music I got for Christmas (Lady Antebellum and Scotty McCreery) while writing. I think I’ll pick up that book again for the rest of the afternoon and enjoy a lazy Monday- for a change!

My Mom's fabulous table setting

My little Family

My Big Family at the table

Blessings for the Festive Season,

In Christ’s Love

<3 Nicole_Kayley

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Train Rides, Christmas Lights & Purple Henna

It all started on Sunday December 11. My cousin, David and I hoped onto the Gautrain in Sandton, heading for Pretoria. We got off at Centurion Station where we met up with Kendra and Kyle, good friends we made back in 2009, while on holiday in Scottburgh. This was the beginning of 6 crazy days together.

Sunday. A pretty chilled out day, if I do say so myself. We exchanged Christmas gifts, attempted a swim (the water was freezing) and had a lekker Braai. To top it all off, that night we took a walk around the neighbourhood admiring the Christmas lights. I absolutely love the way the residents of Moraletta Park decorate their houses and get into the spirit of Christmas. One house in particular is covered almost completely in lights and is accompanied by Christmas songs playing over a loud speaker. Residents gather on the pavements to picnic, or simply to just enjoy the atmosphere (which personally, I absolutely love!).

Kendra, Kyle, Dave, and myself

Chilling on the pavement, enjoying the lights.

Monday. POOL DAY! In my books, nothing beats a lazy day at the side of the pool. Especially if the sun is playing its part. It was rather hot though and after realising there was almost no cold drinks left, we decided to take a walk to the shops. Note to self: Do not go walking at midday in the middle of December in Pretoria. It’s a really bad idea in the blazing heat. After about 2kms of walking we arrive at the shop to find the closest gate was locked. So we jumped over. However, on departure we were not as lucky. A security guard caught us heading for the gate and made as walk around. In the moment, it was kind of hilarious. Anyway, after another 2kms (uphill, I might add) we arrived home and went straight for the pool. Bliss!

Tuesday. We packed our bags and headed off for the Centurion station. Even after the train ride on Sunday, I was even more excited to go again. Although, nobody could beat Kyle’s level of excitement. He was literally bouncing! 20 minutes after boarding the train, we arrived back in Sandton. Later that evening we got some meat on the Braai, and the only word to describe the remainder of the night would be: HILARIOUS! Somebody suggested we play some Poker. However, it turned into Strip Poker. Completely innocent and clean, I promise. As Kendra put it best: “Kyle and Chris are naked, and Tiffy is wearing everybody else’s clothes but his own.” It was rather a good laugh and in the end, after a few folded hands, I managed to clean them all out. I counted about 28 items- which were not my own!

Kyle could not contain his excitement!

Gold Cards

My strip poker stash

Wednesday. Since the weather put a damper on our plans, we took a trip to the mall. We saw a movie and discovered the most amazing Samoosas at the Spicy Den. I also came across purple Henna (I’ve been trying to find purple hair dye, just for context). In the end, before we left for home, we must have gone back to the Spicy Den about three or four times. The day ended with Amarula milkshakes. Two words: TOTAL YUM!

Thursday. Let’s try Wednesday’s plans again. A trip to the Walter Sisulu Botanical Gardens. After eating until we were ready to pop, it was great to chill out in the company of Mother Nature. When the heat became too much for Kyle, we packed up and made our way back to Dave’s house for a much needed (and enjoyed) swim. The best way to describe the rest of Thursday: Pizza, DVD’s and much Laughter.

Friday. Our last day together...(Sob). While the boys went off to play some paintball, Kendra and I had a girl’s morning. We stayed in our PJ’s until midday watching a movie, and trying out that purple Henna. After putting it in our hair, Kendra ended up with a few streaks of a very dark hue of purple, while I had nothing. Clearly my hair is too dark. But the heart I painted on my ankle is still there. Okay, well, it has since faded to almost nothing. Even though I have nothing but horrendous smelling hair to show for it, I can’t deny that it was fun! The boys arrived home shortly after that with fewer bruises than I had expected. Kyle had one mean-looking bruise on his back, Dave received one on his bum (I’ll believe him that its really there), and Tiff seemed to escape any markings.

And then came time for goodbyes as we dropped Kendra and Kyle off at the Sandton station. I must say, that train is unbelievable. Even before we had reached the highway to return home, I received a message from Kendra saying they were back in Pretoria. SAY WHAAAT?!?! It’s that fast!

So after an amazing week, I was actually exhausted. I went home and took a nap (or at least, I tried).

This week I came to realise the importance of friendship. Something too wonderful to go through life without.

Peace out!

<3 Nicole_Kayley

Sunday 11 December 2011

It's Christmas Time

Since Christmas is right around the corner, I see it only fitting that I share the Christmas spirit. I’d say that  Christmas is probably my most favourite holiday on the calendar (even my birthday can’t beat it! And I do love my birthday). There is just something about the festive season that makes me feel all warm inside. No, not the feeling of warm coffee inside my tummy in the middle of winter. Rather, a feeling of tradition, giving and memories.

As a kid I loved Christmas morning most. My brother and I would wake up as early as 5am (or 3 or 4am in my brother’s case) and impatiently await the sound of “Jingle Bells” or “Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer” to travel down the passage at full volume. That was our cue. We would race down the passage to the lounge to find our parents, cameras in hand. But more importantly, a pillow slip waiting on the couch for each of us. Just the thought that this strange (and rather large) man had been in our house while we were asleep didn’t seem to bother us one bit (I mean, there were PRESENTS after all!). Although, nowadays if a strange man of any size had been in my house during the night, I would probably freak out! These are the moments of my childhood I will treasure most- the carefree, simple things in life. Even if it meant believing in a fictitious story. Sometimes I wish I could go back a few years and be a carefree kid again and believe the silliest things.

However, as I have grown up, Christmas has become much more meaningful to me. It is no longer about waking up early or getting those greatly anticipated gifts from the North Pole. It is more importantly about spending time with my amazing family, being thankful for every little thing in my life, and giving back to others in a special way (and maybe getting a few more hours of sleep on Christmas morning). Gifts may be a part of Christmas, but there’s something about that t-shirt, or pack of ear-rings that just isn’t that special and meaningful as the love from the giver that they represent. I believe Christmas is about sharing love more than it is about sharing food and pointless presents that they may not even like.

So, my wish for all of you this Christmas is to go out and share the love that Christ brought into the world at His birth. After all, He is the reason for the season!

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas,
God Bless

<3 Nicole_Kayley

Wednesday 7 December 2011


7 December 2011

JOURNEY. The act of travelling from one place to another. They say life is a journey and that is exactly why I chose to title my blog “Journey”. The inspiration to start my blog was the journey my life has been thus far.
In my almost 19 years, I guess you could say I still have a whole lifetime’s worth of experiences ahead of me. True.
However, recently finishing high school has given me a whole new outlook on life. I see my life as a never-ending journey that is filled with experiences that could be seen as journeys in themselves.
The transition I am currently facing, from school-girl to university student, is the end of one journey and the start of another. I won’t lie- it is rather daunting and scary. Leaving behind all I’ve known for the past 16 years and moving on to greater things does leave me a tad shell-shocked. Yet, I am excited beyond comprehension, having been given the chance to experience the ‘Big Bad World’ out there.

Speaking of journeys, I would like to share parts of my personal journey. It has been a rather bumpy ride, with a few giant potholes along the way, and smooth roadways to make it all worth it. As my high school principal, Mrs Venter, said perfectly at the end of my matric year: “Sometimes you have to fall before you can rise up”. She was referring to my very sudden choice to change schools at the end of my grade 10 year. To put it all in perspective I have attended 7 schools from pre-school to matric, high schools counting 3 (cue: “gasp”). I know, I know, you think I’m crazy. But I had my reasons. After facing an incredibly difficult grade 10 year, I decided to move to St Ursula’s School in Krugerdorp North, to complete my high school career. I do believe it was the best decision I have made to date. At St Ursula’s I gained some highly valued friendships, excelled in my academics, and grew immensely as a person. My journey of the past two years is one I will treasure for the rest of my life, and I shall forever be thankful for the experience. After my fall in grade 10, I most certainly rose to my highest potential by the time I reached matric. The road was rough, but once I made it through the storm, the horizon was clear and beautiful. It gave me the feeling of great strength.

Next year I’m off to Wits University to study a Bachelor of Arts in Music and Psychology (I hope), and as I journey through this next chapter in my life, I plan to document every experience in my blog. Journeys of study, travel, friendship, personal growth and, well, whatever comes my way! 
I hope to entertain and intrigue readers who will be willing to read whatever nonsense I find to write about.

Until next time,
Rock on! 

<3 Nicole_Kayley