Thursday 29 December 2011

New Years Revolution

I cannot believe that we are in the final days of the year 2011! This year has just flown past. I can so clearly remember the beginning of the year and thinking that it would be a long and tough one. Yet here I am, all in one piece and alive to tell the tale of what 2011 has been.

2011 was a year of lessons, new experiences, celebration and second chances for me. I turned 18 and am now legally classified as a major, I passed my drivers’ licence, bought a bass guitar and finished my last year of school (and now eagerly await my results). But as I look back now and remember all that happened this year, the memories that I will treasure most are not those of achievement and triumph, but rather those simple moments. Specifically, days when my school friends and I would sit on the little wall by the field (our spot) and joke and just laugh uncontrollably at the most simple and ‘nerdy’ things that only we could find funny. Those moments will forever be engraved on my heart.

This time of year usually has people thinking about new resolutions. Things that they look forward to achieving in the new year. More often than not the list goes something like this: lose weight, quit smoking, stop drinking, go to the gym regularly, get fit, stick to that diet, take up a new hobby or better an existing one. After much thought, I have decided not to make any resolutions this year. “Why?” you ask. Well, I’m starting my own revolution. It won’t matter to me if it catches on or not, but it’s something I want to do for myself.

I remember a listening to a sermon in church one Sunday before the new year where our minister, Helen, told us how she wasn’t going to wait up until midnight to welcome in the new year, or make any resolutions, but rather carry on with life as normal. I remember clearly  how she said if you want to do something different in your life, like quit smoking or starting a new hobby, why wait for midnight? Just start now. Which is exactly what I am doing this new year. Or rather, right now. I’ve decided not to wait for the new year to start getting fit, I started at the end of November when I realised it was something I need to do for myself.

So this year when I decide it is time for something new, I’m going to start now! I’m not going to wait for Monday, next week, or next month like I normally would. It’s going to happen as soon as the thought has been thought... or maybe in the morning. However, it will happen regardless.

My wish for you this new year, is that you find what your mind seeks, feel what heart desires and put your mind to doing whatever your soul wishes to explore. Start your own revolution!

Here’s to an amazing and fabulous 2012!

Cheers! (clink)

<3 Nicole_Kayley

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