Sunday 11 December 2011

It's Christmas Time

Since Christmas is right around the corner, I see it only fitting that I share the Christmas spirit. I’d say that  Christmas is probably my most favourite holiday on the calendar (even my birthday can’t beat it! And I do love my birthday). There is just something about the festive season that makes me feel all warm inside. No, not the feeling of warm coffee inside my tummy in the middle of winter. Rather, a feeling of tradition, giving and memories.

As a kid I loved Christmas morning most. My brother and I would wake up as early as 5am (or 3 or 4am in my brother’s case) and impatiently await the sound of “Jingle Bells” or “Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer” to travel down the passage at full volume. That was our cue. We would race down the passage to the lounge to find our parents, cameras in hand. But more importantly, a pillow slip waiting on the couch for each of us. Just the thought that this strange (and rather large) man had been in our house while we were asleep didn’t seem to bother us one bit (I mean, there were PRESENTS after all!). Although, nowadays if a strange man of any size had been in my house during the night, I would probably freak out! These are the moments of my childhood I will treasure most- the carefree, simple things in life. Even if it meant believing in a fictitious story. Sometimes I wish I could go back a few years and be a carefree kid again and believe the silliest things.

However, as I have grown up, Christmas has become much more meaningful to me. It is no longer about waking up early or getting those greatly anticipated gifts from the North Pole. It is more importantly about spending time with my amazing family, being thankful for every little thing in my life, and giving back to others in a special way (and maybe getting a few more hours of sleep on Christmas morning). Gifts may be a part of Christmas, but there’s something about that t-shirt, or pack of ear-rings that just isn’t that special and meaningful as the love from the giver that they represent. I believe Christmas is about sharing love more than it is about sharing food and pointless presents that they may not even like.

So, my wish for all of you this Christmas is to go out and share the love that Christ brought into the world at His birth. After all, He is the reason for the season!

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas,
God Bless

<3 Nicole_Kayley

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