Wednesday 21 December 2011

Train Rides, Christmas Lights & Purple Henna

It all started on Sunday December 11. My cousin, David and I hoped onto the Gautrain in Sandton, heading for Pretoria. We got off at Centurion Station where we met up with Kendra and Kyle, good friends we made back in 2009, while on holiday in Scottburgh. This was the beginning of 6 crazy days together.

Sunday. A pretty chilled out day, if I do say so myself. We exchanged Christmas gifts, attempted a swim (the water was freezing) and had a lekker Braai. To top it all off, that night we took a walk around the neighbourhood admiring the Christmas lights. I absolutely love the way the residents of Moraletta Park decorate their houses and get into the spirit of Christmas. One house in particular is covered almost completely in lights and is accompanied by Christmas songs playing over a loud speaker. Residents gather on the pavements to picnic, or simply to just enjoy the atmosphere (which personally, I absolutely love!).

Kendra, Kyle, Dave, and myself

Chilling on the pavement, enjoying the lights.

Monday. POOL DAY! In my books, nothing beats a lazy day at the side of the pool. Especially if the sun is playing its part. It was rather hot though and after realising there was almost no cold drinks left, we decided to take a walk to the shops. Note to self: Do not go walking at midday in the middle of December in Pretoria. It’s a really bad idea in the blazing heat. After about 2kms of walking we arrive at the shop to find the closest gate was locked. So we jumped over. However, on departure we were not as lucky. A security guard caught us heading for the gate and made as walk around. In the moment, it was kind of hilarious. Anyway, after another 2kms (uphill, I might add) we arrived home and went straight for the pool. Bliss!

Tuesday. We packed our bags and headed off for the Centurion station. Even after the train ride on Sunday, I was even more excited to go again. Although, nobody could beat Kyle’s level of excitement. He was literally bouncing! 20 minutes after boarding the train, we arrived back in Sandton. Later that evening we got some meat on the Braai, and the only word to describe the remainder of the night would be: HILARIOUS! Somebody suggested we play some Poker. However, it turned into Strip Poker. Completely innocent and clean, I promise. As Kendra put it best: “Kyle and Chris are naked, and Tiffy is wearing everybody else’s clothes but his own.” It was rather a good laugh and in the end, after a few folded hands, I managed to clean them all out. I counted about 28 items- which were not my own!

Kyle could not contain his excitement!

Gold Cards

My strip poker stash

Wednesday. Since the weather put a damper on our plans, we took a trip to the mall. We saw a movie and discovered the most amazing Samoosas at the Spicy Den. I also came across purple Henna (I’ve been trying to find purple hair dye, just for context). In the end, before we left for home, we must have gone back to the Spicy Den about three or four times. The day ended with Amarula milkshakes. Two words: TOTAL YUM!

Thursday. Let’s try Wednesday’s plans again. A trip to the Walter Sisulu Botanical Gardens. After eating until we were ready to pop, it was great to chill out in the company of Mother Nature. When the heat became too much for Kyle, we packed up and made our way back to Dave’s house for a much needed (and enjoyed) swim. The best way to describe the rest of Thursday: Pizza, DVD’s and much Laughter.

Friday. Our last day together...(Sob). While the boys went off to play some paintball, Kendra and I had a girl’s morning. We stayed in our PJ’s until midday watching a movie, and trying out that purple Henna. After putting it in our hair, Kendra ended up with a few streaks of a very dark hue of purple, while I had nothing. Clearly my hair is too dark. But the heart I painted on my ankle is still there. Okay, well, it has since faded to almost nothing. Even though I have nothing but horrendous smelling hair to show for it, I can’t deny that it was fun! The boys arrived home shortly after that with fewer bruises than I had expected. Kyle had one mean-looking bruise on his back, Dave received one on his bum (I’ll believe him that its really there), and Tiff seemed to escape any markings.

And then came time for goodbyes as we dropped Kendra and Kyle off at the Sandton station. I must say, that train is unbelievable. Even before we had reached the highway to return home, I received a message from Kendra saying they were back in Pretoria. SAY WHAAAT?!?! It’s that fast!

So after an amazing week, I was actually exhausted. I went home and took a nap (or at least, I tried).

This week I came to realise the importance of friendship. Something too wonderful to go through life without.

Peace out!

<3 Nicole_Kayley

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