Tuesday 31 December 2013

So Long 2013...

This time last year everyone was talking about 2013 being a lucky year, trying to counteract the superstition surrounding the number “13”. I wish I could say 2013 was a lucky year for me. Rather it was one challenge after the next. Tackling 2nd year, the end of a relationship, losing my grandfather and both my puppies, and learning some important things about myself the difficult way are but a few of these challenges I faced.

I’m not really one to make New Year’s Resolutions, as I can never stick to them for very long. However, this year I have decided on just one thing, and that is to make the year 2014 my own, make it amazing, and make up for the terrible 2013. I don’t regret or wish this year didn’t happen because, I feel, it was necessary for me to grow and discover who I am and where I’m headed in life. This year has shown me the importance of the people who want to be in my life, and those who just aren’t worth all my efforts.

I am incredibly keen to welcome in the New Year tonight, and all that it brings with it. A few things I have to look forward to this year include my 21st Birthday, completing my undergraduate degree, bettering my music skills, and surrounding myself with incredible people.

My prayer for you this New Year’s Eve is that 2014 be all you could wish for and bless you abundantly.

Party hard and be safe!

<3 Nicole_Kayley

Busy, busy, busy!

(This post should actually be dated 15 December 2013. As the title suggests, I was clearly too busy to post it. But here it is now)
I promised to keep you updated on all the projects I had going on since I finished exams in November. I have been just so busy that I haven't even had the chance to write about it.

Firstly, on the 22nd of November the band that I am a part of at church led a family worship evening. It was absolutely incredible if I do say so myself. It consisted of a dinner followed by about an hour and a half of musical worship. I can explain the feeling I had inside of me. It was like Jesus just took over and I felt the Holy Spirit moving me and leading me to lead the congregation in worship. I was given a verse to sing solo and I was so nervous about it, but when the time came for me to sing, this voice just came out of nowhere. A voice I didn't even know that I had inside of me. The only explanation I can give- the Holy Spirit.

I have also been working on a photo book of tributes to my grandfather. I gathered together photos from throughout his life and complied then with various tributes from the family. I am so impressed with the way it has turned out. However, best of all the smile on my Granny's face when she looked through the pages was absolutely priceless. A smile I will remember forever.

Every year before Christmas I would make a calendar for my Grampa with photos of the family on their birthdays and wedding anniversaries. Although my Gramps is not here this year, I have decided to continue the tradition for my Granny. I've been hard at work trying to get it finished for Christmas in between all sorts of other things.

As I do every year I have been baking. Cookies, fruit cakes, cupcakes, my late Granny Dorr's shortbread, chocolate cake.... I'll stop making you drool. I was asked to bake 40 cupcakes for a corporate year-end function. I had a blast designing and making them, and I was incredibly impressed with the outcome. I have also been baking cookies for order. Although it may seem like a job, I have had an absolute jol baking and spending time in the kitchen (despite my sore feet after 2 straight days of baking).

I am in such a great place and frame of mind at the moment, I couldn't ask for anything more. I am beyond blessed and this Christmas I feel the need to give. After having an awful year, I want to make someone else's day, even if it is in the smallest way.

Hope you are all having the best December season yet, and what lies ahead may be worth remembering for years to come.

All the best,

<3 Nicole_Kayley

P.S. I’ll post photos soon

Thursday 14 November 2013


It has been rather a long time since I last blogged, and I can honestly say I have missed it so much! I‘ve had so many ideas I've wanted to write about, but the universe simply did not agree with that. Over the past six months I've endured heartache like no other, gone through a massive break-up, lost my most amazing Grandfather, battled through the second semester of 2nd year, and began the process of rediscovering myself.

I finished exams a week ago and already have a mile-long list of things to do, however my mind is so all-over-the-place that I don’t know where to even begin. One thing I have managed to do without a problem is watch the first season of Revenge. And OH MY GOODNESS!! What a show! I guess you could say I’m hooked, and yes, I have started to watch season 2 already. I have also started to watch How I Met Your Mother, although halfway through season 1, I’m not entirely sure if I’m enjoying it.

I have various other projects planned for the next 3 months, and I have the intention to complete all of them. My blog is one of those projects and I’m planning on documenting all the others on here. I can’t explain how excited I am for things to come.

I think for the first time this year, I am truly happy and content with where I am and more importantly with who and what I’ve become. I’ve reached a turning point in my life where I’ve come to realise what is and what isn't important. I’ve come to realise the real importance of family and through the tough times of the past year who the true friends are in my life. I could not be more grateful. Things are looking up. On the positive side, I reached my goal weight this year (cue: cheers). Now it is just a matter of staying there over the festive season (cringe!).

I’m looking forward to the next chapter in my life, with the most positive attitude I can have.

Here’s to new beginnings!

Until next time, (sooner rather than later)

<3 Nicole_Kayley

Friday 16 August 2013

Getting an Education!

So at the moment I’m doing an assignment for my course on Sociology of News Production. The assignment requires that I attempt to be a citizen journalist. That is, write my own article and aim to get it published by some media outlet. I have submitted my article to the Roodepoort Record, but I thought I’d go the extra mile and post it on an online platform as well. Please feel free to comment below and let me know what you think of my article as well as any of your own views about the situation.
Thank You!

Danger: Ouklip Road
In recent months, Ouklip road has claimed more lives than it should. Or rather, has reckless and drunk driving claimed too many lives circumstantially in the same location? After reading of the first fatal accident on 30 June involving two young men in their 20s, I was left with a heavy heart. Why should anyone have to pass in such a way? However, tragedy struck again when another car ploughed into a tree not far from the first accident on 2 August.

Such incidents should bring road safety to anyone's mind and not only those who should be doing something about it, such as the JMPD or the Roads Agency. Despite countless attempts and campaigning against driving under the influence, many individuals continue to take chances. We go to great lengths to protect ourselves, but fail to think of protecting others. It would be careless and selfish of me to get behind the wheel with any alcohol in my system, never mind being under the legal limit. By doing such a thing I put my own life and my passenger's lives in danger, not to mention other individuals on the road. I choose to avoid driving late at night when such instances often occur for my own safety. Which relates directly to the point I'm trying to make. Why should the innocent individuals of society have to fear being on the roads because of other people's careless and reckless choices? We should be living in a society where we take responsibility for ourselves and show our neighbors the respect they deserve. We can do this by choosing not to drive under the influence, or exceed speed limits especially at night and on smaller roads.

The incidents of Ouklip road should be a wake-up call for society. It should be encouraging each individual to take responsibility for themselves and to respect others. Choosing to pay a taxi or designated driver service to take you home instead of driving drunk is one simple way anyone can make a difference. When it comes to the officials such as the JMPD, regular road blocks at night, especially on weekends near entertainment venues and on dangerous roads, like Ouklip should be a permanent fixture to curb the problem of drunk driving. The more consequences that action has, the greater change we will see in individual behaviour. Making our neighbourhoods and roads a safer place for everyone. 

Yours in Education and Journalism,

<3 Nicole_Kayley

Tuesday 9 July 2013

A Tribute to The Greatest Man I Will Ever Know

8 July 2013

Today, Monday 8th July 2013... marks probably the saddest day of my life. In the early hours of this morning I lost my Grandfather. I was only blessed with one grandfather in this life and I believe he was the greatest man ever. The lessons he taught me have proved to be beyond valuable and his love for his family like nothing in this world. This post is dedicated to his memory and the amazing man he was and will forever be in our hearts.

Born 12 February 1922, with a family of seven sisters and two brothers that lived in Randfontein. I could never forget the story of how he ran away from school on his very first day, only to have his sister chase him to bring him back.

At the young age of 18, he went to fight in the western desert during World War II. He often had stories of war; most that he told us were entertaining. Stories of rats in the trenches, or his friend who cheated death when then rivet on the top of his helmet was shot off.

When he returned he worked for South African Railways. In November of 1946 he married the love of his life, Myrtle Young. Their marriage of 66 and a half years is one that taught their family and loved ones just what the commitment of marriage means as well as showed us all the meaning of true and selfless love. One time when Grampa was in hospital, although he was the sick one, he was constantly worried about Granny, and if she was comfortable and okay.

He was a man of God, and his faith along with Granny’s made for an inseparable bond between them. The night before their 65th wedding anniversary, I slept over in their spare room and I witnessed the most incredible thing. I was lying in my bed reading while they were getting ready for bed. We said good night and not long after I heard Grampa’s voice in what sounded like a constant ramble of mumbling. Straining my ears to try and make out what exactly he was saying, I finally realised that he was reading from the Bible. When he had finished he said a prayer, and my heart melted as they shared an “Amen”. That moment I realised that their marriage was based on a mutual love for God and a commitment not only to each other but to God as well. An incredible life lesson for all of us.

Together they had four lovely daughters: Gail, Beryl, Yvonne and Ivy who gave them 9 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren with a sixth on the way. Family meant everything to my Grampa, and to be surrounded by his large family was all he ever wanted.

He was a true gentleman. He would always step aside to let you in the door before him. He often would say to me “Age before beauty” and send me through the door first. He was probably the friendliest man in our neighbourhood, saying hello or waving to anyone who walked past the gate on one of his numerous daily patrols of the property. He was always concerned about us when we were on the road, whether it was a long trip down to the coast, or a short trip to varsity. And whenever I would tell him I was on my way out, he insisted on checking if I had petrol and that my oil and water were all fine. I’ll still hear his voice in the back of my head when I get in the car to go out “Do you have oil and water? You don’t want to get stuck, Nic!”

When I think of my Grampa, one thing that has to come to mind is ice-cream. And I think anyone who knows him would agree! If Grampa didn’t want ice-cream after lunch, something was very wrong! Even on the coldest day in winter Grampa would insist on a bowl of ice-cream, and sometimes would ask for seconds especially if it came with custard.

Another thing I will never forget is the mornings when Grampa would take me to school. There would always be a Super C or two sitting on the bonnet waiting for me and my brother. On the way he would always sing songs to us such as “Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho and off to work we go”, “Daar kom die Alabama” or “I love to go a-wandering along the highland road. And as I go I love to sing, a knapsack on my back, valderie, veldera, valderie, veldera-ha-ha-ha-ha, my knapsack on my back-b-back-back-back”. He also had his catch phrases that I’ve even used a few times like:”All clear on the Western front!” (Translation: There are no cars coming from the left side). I remember when I was in pre-school, Grampa would turn on the heater when it was cold and since we always arrived at school too early, once he’d parked I would climb into the front seat to warm my hands in front of the fan. Another fond memory from my primary school days was when Grampa would fetch us in the afternoon, he would always bring my brother and I a small bottle of cola or creme soda flavoured soda steam. Even when he didn’t fetch us, he would send soda stream with mom.

It was the small things he did that made him a great man. If I had to write about all the great deeds and things I’ll remember about my Grampa, I could probably write a novel. He was more than just a grandfather to me, he was a best friend. It’s not going to be easy to live without him around; I know I’ll still hear his whistle from the back door when I’m in the kitchen, or picture his hand signals to tell me that it’s raining, when I see raindrops begin to fall. But all these things I shall keep in my heart forever, and spread love and friendliness around the way he could.

The thing that breaks my heart the most is that he won’t be here to see my brother and I graduate. It was something he always said: “I’ll be there in the front row when you walk across the stage”. I believe it was one thing he really wanted in this life: to see us all succeed in what we do. That is why I will dedicate my degree to him, to his memory. Because I know when graduation day comes, he will have the best seat in the house, from above!

When I looked up the exact words to the “Happy Wanderer” song, and discovered many more verses than Grampa used to sing. Reading through the lyrics, I could just picture Grampa singing those words, they were a perfect description of how he lived, and will continue to live in our hearts and memories.

The Happy Wanderer

I love to go a-wandering,
Along the mountain track,
And as I go, I love to sing,
My knapsack on my back.

My knapsack on my back.

I love to wander by the stream
That dances in the sun,
So joyously it calls to me,
"Come! Join my happy song!"

I wave my hat to all I meet,
And they wave back to me,
And blackbirds call so loud and sweet
From ev'ry green wood tree.

High overhead, the skylarks wing,
They never rest at home
But just like me, they love to sing,
As o'er the world we roam.

Oh, may I go a-wandering
Until the day I die!
Oh, may I always laugh and sing,
Beneath God's clear blue sky!

On Sunday afternoon when I last saw Grampa, before I left I said to him: “I’ll come see you tomorrow, and I’ll bring Granny”. I’m sad to say I couldn’t keep my word. Even though tomorrow may not be Monday 8th July as I intended, the day I see him again will be our “tomorrow”.

In Loving Memory
Bertie Cortes Spenceley
12 February 1922 - 8 July 2013

Love you forever, Gramps!
Forever in my heart and always in my memory.
Now You can go a-wandering in a new place until we meet again.
I’ll come see you tomorrow.

Your Gogga <3

Back in the day!

23 November 1946- Their Wedding Day

True Love!

The Four Daughters (From left: Yvonne, Beryl, Gail and baby Ivy)

Family Holiday

With their four daughters- 50th Wedding Anniversary 1996

The Grandchildren

The whole family in about 1998/9 (not too sure)

Some of the family 2011- 65th Wedding Anniversary

Their 60th Wedding anniversary November 2006

Christmas 2012

My favourite picture! Posing on Christmas Day 2012

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Be A Lamb...

Quick update on life: I wrote 3 exams last week (Stats, Psychology and Media), so it’s safe to say I came close to what I imagine hell would be like. But I made it through, and now to anxiously await the results! I write my final paper (Research Design) next Monday, then hello 5 week winter holiday! I cannot wait!

Secondly, even in between all the exam hype, I’ve been thinking up new ideas to add to my blog, and I’m super excited to see them come together. They may even include some reader participation... so find your Sheldon Cooper-style thinking caps!

And now to the real business of this post...
So the title was inspired by none other than one of my favourites Rajesh Koothrappali of The Big Bang Theory. (I may be somewhat of an addict of the sitcom.) In one episode, Sheldon decides in order to live longer, he must stay in his bedroom away from any life-threatening dangers, and so creates a robotic version of himself. A problem arises when he can’t open his office door. Leonard, finding it rather amusing, refuses to help him. Sheldon then turns to Raj and says:”Raj, be a lamb, and open my door” to which Raj responds in Sheldon’s favour, ands says: “I’m a lamb”.
For some reason, I found that moment hilarious!

But on a serious note, this post is actually about lamb, and not BBT.
A while ago my mom decided to buy a whole lamb from a colleague’s friend, who breeds organic lamb, and sells it in bulk at a lower price. So about a month ago we received our lamb that has taken up the majority of our already tiny freezer. In the past few weeks we have been having lamb chops, every second or third day and on the odd occasion a lamb-neck stew, or leg of lamb. I’m not complaining because I absolutely love lamb! Which is why I thought I’d share with you my secret for delicious lamb chops. Okay, not so much of a secret since I got it from a cooking show on TV. It’s a really simple marinade and works perfectly every time. Plus it’s really simple!

Firstly rub some chopped garlic over the chops. Place them in a sealable container and pour over some soy sauce and balsamic vinegar, not too much, just enough to coat the chops. Rub in the sauces until the chops are completely coated. Toss a few rosemary sprigs on top, seal the container and toss them around a little and set aside for about 15-30 minutes. Simply throw them on the braai or grill until cooked. And Voila!!

I know I’ll be enjoying my lamb tonight!\

Keep smiling!

Much love,

<3 Nicole_ Kayley

Monday 6 May 2013

"Fatal Change"

I understand that I have sort of fallen off the face of the earth since February, and as much as I have been desperate to blog about something... anything...  it has just not been possible. 

Despite that, I have had the idea of change on my mind since February, and I even started to write this post on 4 March (you gotta give me credit for that, even though this post has had 3 different dates on it).  I don't know if it may be because so many things have been changing around me lately, or what, but it has seemed to take over my thoughts. I started thinking about the idea of "fatal change" (I shall claim rights on the coinage of the term, thank you). The idea that any kind of change is fatal in anyone's life. There's a saying that says "the only constant is change". Therefore, in my eyes, change is fatal. 

Fatal can be defined as controlled or decreed by fate; predetermined. 
Change is defined as to make different; to cause change. (Definitions from Word Web).
Therefore, "fatal change" is a predetermined change, where factors have been influenced by fate. 

I feel like my whole life at the moment has been one "fatal change" after the next. Some have taught me a great deal and some have made clear some of my past mistakes. It's shown me some of the things I've taken for granted or not completely acknowledged. It's made me cry, it's made me smile, made me contemplate, consider, reflect, analyse. I won't lie; it has been tough to rethink things. I never really considered the idea of change, even though during my childhood I put myself through a few major (and possibly unnecessary) changes, moving around schools, and giving up things I enjoyed for a season. 

This is probably starting to sound a bit depressive, but I'm not one who actually enjoys change. I like things to stay the way they are, comfortable, the same, unchanged. And with all the change happening around me, I guess it just makes me a little bit uncomfortable, uneasy even. 

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that change is inevitable, no ,after how much we try to resist it. It will happen whether we like it or not. 

As I sit and type this up in a lecture theatre waiting for my psychology class, I can overhear Avril Lavigne's "Keep Holding On" playing through someone's earphones. Maybe it's a reassuring message from the fatal forces that be. 

"Keep holding on, cause you know we'll make it through."

All that is left to say is if change is getting you down the way it's getting me down, stay strong! It may only last a season, but in the end it may be for the best, even if you can't see that now. So embrace it!

Stay strong, and keep believing!

Much love,

<3 Nicole_ Kayley

Saturday 23 February 2013

Call it what you will...

It's two weeks into the varsity year and already I'm in over my head. It seems like I hit the ground running last week and just haven't found a place for a pit-stop. Something tells me I won't find one until the semester is over. However, I'm working hard and setting my mind to it. Hopefully that will keep my motivation going. And allow some time to blog too.

For a change I had a very definite idea for e topic of this post. The problem came in deciding on a title. Not always a problem for me, but this one had me stumped.

You probably won't be surprise that my topic for discussion is the Oscar Pistorius/Reeva Steenkamp tragedy. 

A story that has had whole world talking and engaging in for the past week. I can honestly say this is has been the only news story I have even followed so closely. The suspense to hear the latest findings or decisions kept me checking my News24 app almost 24/7

I'm not going to blab on about how I think he's innocent or guilty or what I think his punishment should be, but rather take a look at it in a different light. I really feel bad for the guy, not because he shot someone he loves and now regrets it. But for the simple fact that he has practically had the whole world in his face while having to deal with a tragedy that will change his entire life. I was mortified to see a picture inside the courtroom that showed Oscar standing in the dock with about 50 cameras flashing in his face- I could think of nothing worse. I understand that is a world-wide icon and is/was (depending on your views) South Africa's sporting hero, and that is no excuse to be treated any differently regarding the legalities. But seriously, with all due respect I think some South Africans need better insight.

On Thursday morning, 14 February 2013, when the news of the shooting broke, the first report I heard on the radio stated that Oscar had shot his girlfriend thinking she was an intruder. Full stop. Nothing more. 
As the day progressed, various stories and theories of what had ‘actually’ happened permeated the media sphere. None of them the least bit factual according to my understanding as the details of the incident were only to come out in court. It could not be confirmed that it was even Oscar and Reeva involved. Only that a woman had died at Oscar Pistorius' Pretoria home and a man was in police custody. Nothing more. 

I came across some comments on various articles about the incident on News24 that other people had posted. Some saying things along the lines of: if he gets bail, its racist, he shouldn't get bail because he's guilty, and the like. Others would say things like you can't destroy the life of a South African hero and icon, or that he should not get preferential treatment. I found some of the comments completely outrageous and showed a complete lack of insight or understanding of the case. Having followed the story so closely, I realized that one could not form an opinion based on a single media report especially before any accurate information was addressed in court. Yet many people quickly formed their views and opinions without thinking twice. I know that many will be up in arms now that he has been granted bail, saying how can you let a killer loose on our streets, it's a racist ruling that he gets bail because he's white and famous, and, and, and..... 

In all honesty, I don't understand how some South Africans think. I mean no disrespect in what I am about to say, but I believe I have a valid argument. How many people voted for the ANC in the last election? Majority. And who is our president?  Jacob Zuma. A man who not so long ago was all over the front pages of our newspapers for a rape trail. I don't understand how a country's majority can vote in a rapist to govern a country, and then turn around and say things like: Oscar must rot in jail. They seem incredibly contradictory in my mind. 

I happened to attend the same primary school as Oscar (a few years later, obviously) and to us he was always a hero as he overcame his ability and excelled in sports to a greater degree than any of us ever have. Personally, he is still a hero to me in that regard, and also as the proud South African that I am. I do believe that we as a country need to support him regardless of our opinions and whether we think he is guilty or not, but for the pure fact that he is one of our own. 

If you're thinking I'm saying it’s okay to get away with murder, you're wrong! I do believe it is a punishable offense and I think that premeditated murder should result in the death penalty or a lifetime in jail. I agree it would be a sad day for all South Africans if that should be Oscar's fate, but for now we need to let the law run its course. 

Despite the majority of the media covering this story throughout the week, I kept track of other news stories too. I bet most people didn't know that there were probably 10 or more stories in the news of rape, murder and other violent crimes. It breaks my heart to see such stories, and at some point this week I actually thought to myself that I preferred living in ignorance to what is really happening. Sure, I knew rape and murder were "regular" crimes in our country, but I was unaware of the great magnitude of it all. I actually feel truly sick seeing all these things happening to innocent people, especially women and children. 

I know that there are awareness campaigns and such to try and change this state of affairs, but I ask: how is awareness going to stop a man from raping a child, or a person from pulling a trigger on another with no punishment or consequence? It's not- simple. But what is there we can do to stop this violence? It's a question that seems to be unanswerable. 

I shall leave you with that thought. 

These are my own views, and in no way are they intended to discriminate or offend anyone. If they have in any way- my most sincere apologies. 

Please feel free to leave your comments below, however I will at my own discretion decide on their appropriateness. All discriminatory comments will be removed.

My condolences to both the Steenkamp and Pistorius families.

Rest in Peace Reeva. My God continue to shine your light upon those who truly loved you!

Until next time, 
Be wise! 

<3 Nicole_Kayley

Tuesday 5 February 2013

I’m Back! And ready for Action!

After being MIA for a few weeks, the blogger in me it back. The past few weeks have been pretty much utter chaos! I’m so glad they are over. After a big mess of a registration, I’m finally fixing all the bugs in the system- figuratively. 

Varsity starts again next week, which is crazy since it felt like my 3 month holiday only started last week! But I can honestly say I’m ready for the new academic year. Although, I’m probably just as nervous as I was last year, at least it’s not a completely new ball game.
I read a quote the other day that said:
“Everything I need to succeed is within me” ~ Unknown.

I think that is the perfect attitude to adopt going into this new year (I know it’s February already, and possibly sickening for some of you that my new year starts only now).
I’m keen for a fresh start and motivated to achieve great things this year! And I hope you will all join me in that pursuit.

Last week, my family and I went away to Magalies Park Country Club for the week. It was just what we needed. Some time to relax and energise ourselves for the year ahead. Being out of season, the resort was incredibly quiet midweek. Every day we chilled at the pool, which we had all to ourselves (mostly). Talk about bliss! As a result of the heat, swimming was most welcome- even after 7pm some nights. And in addition, I came home with a lekker tan (for a change!). On Tuesday, Chris and I took to the golf course. Although I didn’t play, I did have fun driving the golf cart around!
So, after indulging probably too much in the good food we had, I’m going to have to work extra hard to get back on track with Weigh-Less and hopefully reach my goal soon (I’m almost there- cue the yays).

Maybe its a good thing I didn't play... looking at this pic now

Off to play golf

Early morning walk

The Happy Golfers nearing the final hole

Whichever chapter you currently find yourself in, my wish for you is that you make it a great one and walk out of it with the success you deserve!

Until next time,

Believe in yourself!

<3 Nicole_Kayley

Monday 14 January 2013

The Big TWO-OH!

On Friday (11 January) I celebrated my 20th birthday. I had a very special day, spent with my family, some friends and my amazing boyfriend ;-). I must say the excitement of birthdays and turning one year older as slowly worn off for me. I still feel like I should be 17. But, nevertheless, life goes on. And now I can no longer act like a teenager (even though it’s still fun to get a sparkler in your dessert). It’s time to start a new chapter in my life.

Here are a few pictures from my celebrations. EnjoyJ

Here’s to the teenage years, and life after the big two-oh!

Much love,

<3 Nicole_Kayley

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Sucker for Social Networking... Closer Than Before

Firstly, (officially) Happy New Year all! I hope the festive season was kind to you. It certainly was to me, even after pigging out over Christmas and stuffing my face with way too much pudding. I weighed in yesterday for the first time since the December break, and I was less 1kg! (Cue the whoop whoop!!).

So, I’ve hit a little bit of a writer’s block this week (sad face). I have been desperate to blog about something, yet nothing came to mind. Trying to ask my Facebook friends for ideas turned out a fail. However, I shall mention that Mo did request I write a whole post about him, and my dad suggest I talk about the new addition to our family. (Her name is Clara Lynne, by the way, and she’s adorable). Chris asked if I would write a post about him too. His side of that conversation went as follows:
“Your amazing boyfriend”
“How much of a troll he is”
“How you sometimes want to strangle him”
“But you love him anyways”

It’s all true. He is amazing, and means the world to me. Even though he can be a troll (talk nonsense and cause trouble just for the sake of it- for those of you not in the lingo-loop), and make me want to strangle him sometimes, I still love him to bits!

All my difficulties aside, I found myself thinking about social networking- I hit the jackpot! Something to blog about! YAY!!

In all honesty, I hate the idea of social networking. Sometimes I wish I lived way back when before the invention of the internet and mobile phones. It seems so peaceful... and a hell of a lot cheaper! It is so addictive for me. A few years back I was probably signed up for almost ten different social networking platforms. I was on Facebook, Twitter, mySpace, YouTube, Email, mXit, BBM, WhatsApp, Google, Blogger... and the list goes on. At some point I realised it was a waste and I didn’t fully utilise each platform and gave up a few of them. I still make use of some of them for the pure fact that it aids my communication with people in my life.

The main complaint I always hear about social networking is that it destroys good old fashioned face-to-face communication. What is this “face-to-face” you speak of? If you’re seriously asking this question, I think you may have a real problem! I was always a shy child, and to some extent I am still rather shy in unfamiliar situations. I think that was the reason I got into social networking in the first place. It was an outlet for me and it was easy. I didn’t have to be shy anymore. However, as I’ve grown older and experienced both aspects of “normal” social behaviour (as in pre-social networking social behaviour) and social networking behaviour, I’ve come to develop an opinion around the social-sphere that is the internet. It is not the best way to communicate in terms of creating and developing friendships and relationships, however, it is one of the easiest. Although I love to leave my phone behind from time to time so I can do other things and just forget about my networks, I am constantly wondering if I’m missing a call or a BBM, or new updates.

 I think it is safe to say that social networking has completely transformed the way we live and has taken over our lives (even somehow managed 2 cHAngE h0w ppl sP3ll nd TyPe- DON’T do it, it’s terrible). Last week, my family and I were fortunate enough to go see the stage show of Dirty Dancing at Montecasino’s Teatro, and while sitting in the theatre waiting for the show to start I noticed how many people were on their mobile phones, either texting or taking pictures (to Tweet most probably). I don’t understand how you can be out with your family or friends to have a good time, but constantly feel compelled to let the rest of the world know who you’re with and what you’re doing. I came across this image on Facebook the other day (ironic, I know, but at least I wasn’t in the company of others). I think it is a brilliant idea, and I’ve even tried implementing it at the dinner table at home (first one to pick up their phone has to wash the dishes). We’ll see how that one works out.

With all that said, I do believe social networking has done wonders in making the world a smaller place. I can easily send messages to my friends in a different city, or my family overseas at the quick and easy push of a button (if Telkom is co-operating, that is).

*takes a break from writing this blog to check her BBM*
(Yes, Chris, it was you)

So, weighing up the pros and cons of social networking, I find myself in the middle. Its great and handy, but also a royal pain in the ***.

I’d love to know your thoughts on social networking. Post a comment below. And if you have any really interesting topics I could blog about in the next few weeks, please feel free to comment here, too! I love getting comments from readers (just be sure to include your name, I’m not telepathic, and I like to know who you are).

Yours in social networking,
 but also in the real world,

<3 Nicole_Kayley